Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving for Risha

Guess who got adopted?  Yes, it's Risha!

Risha has been adopted by a wonderful family who can give her just what she needs:  someone home much of the time, people experienced with rescued dogs, lots of visiting grandchildren, and another Rat Terrier to hunt with in the fenced yard who can teach her the ropes at her new home.  She will be joining her adopting family in Oregon after Thanksgiving.

We have become very attached to Risha and are certainly going to notice her absence.  Elsie, especially, has loved having a girl friend who also likes to hunt squirrels.  But Risha has waited a long time for her furever home and we are grateful that she has finally found the perfect family.

Elsie is getting Risha's contact information so they can stay in touch.

This is Risha's shelter picture taken in December 2011.

Risha on November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sweater Girl

Following her mani pedi and lavender mint shampoo, Risha tried on a few sweaters this afternoon.  She was very cooperative about wearing them, but didn't appreciate my efforts to photograph her in these silly things.

This is so embarrassing. . .

What did I do to deserve this?
Maybe if I keep my head in the shadow no one will recognize me
I think this may be last year's color

Not sure about this ruffle thing going on
Finally! this one I could live with.  Maybe.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Battling Boredom

It's now dark, cold, and wet, and could be like this for much of the next six months. What's a dog to do for fun inside the house?  Yesterday afternoon I loaded a Jolly Pets Monster Mouth with a half dozen pieces of kibble and gave it to Risha.

We started out in the dining area of the house, with Risha and the Monster Mouth on a rug.

.  She then moved into the living room area.
Risha figured out that it was easier to control the Monster Mouth if she took it to her bed.

Risha worked with the Monster Mouth for one hour with full concentration.  When I took it away from her it still contained two-thirds of the kibble!  So, she is not a dog genius, but she definitely has some dogged determination:>)

Friday, October 12, 2012

What Happened? It's cold.

All of a sudden, almost, the day time temperature dropped to 50 degrees with moisture in the air.  All three dogs are napping more often and longer, and Risha has discovered the comfort of a blanket over her body.

Risha under the blanket.  This blanket was formerly under Risha, hence the white hairs.

Elsie is completely under her blanket.

Nina chooses to tough it out.

Monday, October 8, 2012

How to eat a tomato, Rat Terrier style

When the girls came back into the house from a potty break  this evening Risha was carrying an almost-ripe tomato in her mouth.  After checking it over and finding it pretty much unblemished, I decided to be a good sport and let her eat it.  Risha trotted happily to her bed with this prize and consumed it, in a very dainty but efficient manner, within 2 minutes, 14 seconds.

Risha with the tomato  


She didn't ask for salt, olive oil, mozzarella, basil, capers, anchovies, or even a fork. Or a napkin.

Think that her palate is unrefined? She chose not to eat the tomato stem. The tomato fruit is a good source of Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium and Manganese.

Risha says, eat your tomatoes!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


It's definitely cooling down in the evenings now.  Risha has never displayed much burrowing behavior before this but tonight she  began to sneak her head under her blanket.

Risha (front) and Elsie resting after dinner and play time
Risha's  nose and part of  one eye peeking out

Entire head under the blanket now

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ten and Three-quarter Pounds of Perfection

I thought Risha's waistline was looking more pronounced this afternoon so we got on my beam scales.  Yes!  She is now at ten and three-quarter pounds, just a few ounces away from our goal.  This despite her hoovering up all the ground fall apples she can find and snacking on tomatoes still on the vine whenever she gets a chance.  Increased walking and trips to the dog park have burned some calories and revved up her metabolism, perhaps.

Risha is still camera shy and wouldn't hold still for a glamour shot, but I think you will agree you can see that waistline.  Great accomplishment, Risha!  We girls know that weight loss is not an easy attainment.  (I was going to say, not a walk in the park, but thought better of it.)

I don't do glamour shots.  Check my contract.